
Latest technology
Chinese electric cars could cost Europe tens of billions of dollars 17 May 2023

Chinese electric cars could cost Europe tens of billions of dollars

Samsung will invest 300 million yen to build a chip production line in Tokyo 16 May 2023

Samsung will build a chip production line in Tokyo which may relates to production of semiconductor post-processing and image sensors for cars.

Talent shortage, TSMC faces the biggest dilemma 15 May 2023

Talent shortage, TSMC faces the biggest dilemma

Demand for consumer electronics chips is sluggish 9 May 2023

Demand for PCS has slumped, and Intel's revenue is at its lowest since 2010.

Will memory chips make a comeback?Agency denial 6 May 2023

Memory chip inventory is still high, falling prices cannot be avoided.

"Inverter Dünyası" Power Electronics | IGBT'nin yeni elektrikli elektrikli araçlardaki uygulamasını okuyun 22 Kas 2019

Genel Bakış: IGBT yeni elektrikli elektrikli araçlarda hayati bir rol oynar: Özellikle şarj ve güç dönüşüm sıklığı sürecinde, IGBT, trafo, frekans dönüştürücü ve akım dönüştürme rolünü üstlenen çekirdek hub işlevidir.

INA1620 Yüksek Sadakatli Ses İşlemsel Amplifikatör 11 Oca 2019

Texas Instruments INA1620, entegre ince film dirençli, yüksek kaliteli bir ses işlemsel yükseltecidir.