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Facing the "meta universe" craze calmly

Release on : Dec 15, 2021

Facing the "meta universe" craze calmly

Meta universe
Suddenly, Yuan Universe became on fire. In the recently released "Top Ten Internet Terms of 2021", "Meta Universe" is listed as proof. The impact of Meta Universe on the technology circle began on March 10 when Roblox, a game platform, first wrote this concept into the prospectus. The market value of the New York Stock Exchange exceeded US$40 billion on the first day of listing, triggering the phenomenon of Meta Universe. Some studies predict that the market size of Meta Universe will reach 800 billion US dollars in 2024.
The concept of Metaverse first appeared in the 1992 science fiction novel "Avalanche" by Neil Stephenson. According to the "Metacosm Development Research Report 2020-2021", Metaverse is a new type of Internet application and social form that integrates a variety of new technologies. In other words, Metaverse is a bit like an enhanced version of virtual reality. People use brain-computer interfaces, VR (virtual reality) and other wearable devices to enter the data world of immersive experience, and use a 3D avatar representing themselves to work, party, and Watching concerts, watching movies, and experiencing the second life in the era of holographic platforms.
The emergence of the meta-universe will integrate and promote technological innovation, and ultimately realize the deep integration of the virtual world and the real world. At present, new technologies such as big data, cloud computing, blockchain, VR, and AR (augmented reality) are always in a state of "self-administration" and it is difficult to play an integrated role. Metaverse not only needs to provide users with a more realistic experience, but also integrates the information revolution (5G/6G), the Internet revolution (Web3.0), the artificial intelligence revolution, and VR, AR, MR (mixed reality) and other virtual reality technology achievements. Construct a parallel holographic digital world and realize the deep connection between the physical world and the virtual world. To successfully build such a complex virtual world, six supporting technologies including interactive technology, blockchain technology, Internet of Things technology, artificial intelligence technology, network and computing technology, and electronic game technology are needed.
Therefore, the popularity of the meta-universe concept is based on people's high confidence in technological iteration. Although many technologies are not mature at present, and even some distance from the idea of ​​Metaverse, only from the market attention and capital pursuit caused by Metaverse in 2021, the integration and application of new technologies will be promoted quickly, and the application scenarios and The user experience will also be further enriched and improved.
The emergence of the meta-universe will change the way people understand the world and trigger a profound change in lifestyle. If Metaverse ignites the enthusiasm of the science and technology circle because of the power driven by technological innovation, then the successful "out of the circle" of Metaverse has aroused the attention of the whole society, which is derived from the fact that once the scene described by the Metaverse is realized, it will change everyone's life. .
In the past, whether it was traditional paper media or new Internet media, the way people obtained information was flat. However, the meta-universe would make people really "immersive" and re-understand and see the world in a three-dimensional and multi-dimensional way. The massive amount of information in the online world enters the subjective world in a more intuitive way, and human consciousness is greatly expanded; at the same time, virtual humans are also forming new social relationships and emotional connections, and integrating their own thoughts and emotions in virtual space Experience feedback to the real world. The real-time interaction between reality and virtuality will inevitably lead to the breakthrough and reconstruction of the traditional social science system, and will also promote changes in the paradigm of natural science research, such as the interactive integration of information science, quantum science, mathematics, and life science.

The emergence of the meta universe will trigger an in-depth discussion on the operating rules of the virtual world. In the process of the formation and development of the meta-universe, the traditional concepts of life, space-time, energy, ethnic group, and economic concepts may all be changed or even subverted.
First of all, the status quo where the rules of the meta universe are independently determined by the masses of the community may bring about cultural invasion and value dislocation. When more people enter the meta-universe, how should civilization rules such as value orientation, system choice, and order hierarchy be designed? How to realize the blending of different cultures in the virtual world? Who will maintain these order and rules?
Secondly, the virtual world also has the risk of polarization between the rich and the poor. There is no traditional industrial structure in the meta universe, and the "ideal economy" will be the basic form of economic activity. The embryonic meta-universe economic system can transplant and test all the innovations of digital economy, such as cooperative economy, sharing economy and inclusive finance. However, in the long run, the independent economic system of the metaverse should also be included in the scope of macroeconomic regulation and control to avoid alternative polarization in the parallel world.
In addition, whether monopoly, hegemonism, and racial conflicts that exist in the real world will penetrate the meta-universe, and whether the price difference of digital avatars based on race, gender, and skin color is a sign that they have penetrated the meta-universe. This also reminds people that the meta-universe created by millions or even hundreds of millions of people through games, entertainment, content creation, and interpersonal interaction must establish operating rules for harmonious coexistence.