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Something ASML didn't want to see happened

Release on : Mar 9, 2022

However, a lithography machine directly needs hundreds of millions of yuan, which is not a negligible expenditure, and will bring a great economic burden to some semiconductor foundry manufacturers. Therefore, things that Asmail did not want to see were born in this context. The world's top ten chip giants have formed an alliance to advance hand in hand towards the advanced chip manufacturing process.
So, what effect will such an alliance have on Asmar? Can the world's top ten chip giants form such an alliance to promote the development of the post-Moore era?
Ten giants unite to form UCIe alliance
On March 3, Intel, ARM, Qualcomm, Samsung, TSMC, AMD, ASE, Google Cloud, Facebook, Microsoft, these ten companies with the best global strengths gathered together and established an alliance called UCIe. If translated into Chinese, it is the Universal Chiplet Interconnect Alliance.

The purpose of this alliance is actually very simple, that is, to establish an open, interoperable chiplet ecosystem standard. You must know that at present, small chips, that is, between mid-to-low-end chips, actually lack a unified standard. As a result, today's small chips have different, various chip architectures and chip performances. This situation has caused many global Semiconductor companies fight their own way.
However, fighting separately is not only ineffective, it may even lead to a waste of resources. The development of the current chip is obviously about to touch the limit of Moore's Law. After all, the chip has developed to 3 nanometers. Therefore, the reason why the Big Ten came out of the league like this is actually very simple. That's trying to break the limits of Moore's Law.

In fact, this is just one of the reasons. In addition, the ten giants set up an alliance to exchange small chips. Since they want to communicate, they may need to open up chip technologies such as architecture. Therefore, the ten giants set up such an alliance probably because they want to open up the architecture, etc., and use the stacking method to stack their advanced chip technologies together, in order to break through the chips with more advanced processes. This is probably Aspen What Mel didn't want to see.
After all, if the top ten chip giants operate like this, the chips required for stacking do not need to be high-end, so what is the use of EUV lithography machines? So, in this way, the impact on Asmail is actually not small.

What Asmar didn't want to see happened
At present, these ten giant companies are developing small chips together in a group to reduce their dependence on Asmar's sky-high EUV lithography machine. Asmail's current business is only the assembly and sales of lithography machines. Then, if this alliance continues to develop like this, Asmail will lose a lot of money.
According to relevant data, Asmail's revenue in the US market has fallen year by year, from 1.98 billion euros in 2019 to 1.583 billion euros last year. This will undoubtedly have a big impact on Asmar. Now, the ten major international corporate giants will make such a comeback, which will make Asmar's declining economy even worse.

In addition, if these ten major corporate giants continue to be allowed to develop chips in a group, they will get rid of the Asmar lithography machine in a group. Then, the importance of Asmar will undoubtedly be greatly weakened. In the days to come, Asmar's market influence and market position will undoubtedly be greatly reduced, which is not conducive to Asmar's continued success in the future era. Survive and develop.
Today, no matter how unwilling Asmail is to see such a situation, if it happens, it will still be overwhelmed. So, are these ten corporate giants holding hands and uniting together, is there any hope of promoting the development of the post-Moore era?

Can the establishment of the UCIe Alliance promote the development of the post-Moore's Law era?
In fact, the establishment of this alliance is still very likely to promote the development of the post-Moore era, and it is still very likely to break through the current development ceiling of advanced chip manufacturing processes. When this alliance is established, all members must open up their own chip architecture and other technologies, and must open up their own advanced technologies. If they really want to break Moore's Law through stacking.
The stacking of advanced chips and advanced chips, the stacking of advanced architectures and advanced architectures, etc. The stacking of different architectures and different chips can theoretically form a brand new chip with more advanced performance. Naturally, it is possible to break Moore's Law, and naturally The possibility of promoting the development of the post-Moore era.

The establishment of this alliance may be to integrate resources and prevent waste of resources. Then, in this way, a lot of useful resources should be saved, used in useful places, and used in the development of advanced process chips. On the correct road, in a word In other words, given the large amount of resources and the main inclination, this alliance in the future may not be able to promote the development of the post-Moore era and break the limit of Moore's Law.